KEPServerEX EFM Exporter

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EFM Exporter Plug-In

Many flow computers and devices store historical Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) data used primarily for custody transfer. The EFM Exporter for KEPServerEX works hand-in-hand with the EFM drivers bundled in the EFM Suite to schedule the retrieval and export of EFM data from flow computers and RTUs to common industry formats like FLOWCAL and PGAS and customizable formats like CSV and SQL.

EFM Exporter

The EFM Exporter collects EFM data from EFM drivers and maps attributes to defined EFM parameters for upload into flow analysis software. The solution works with both gas and liquid EFM data, providing the same look and feel for both applications.



  • Free EFM Simulator driver for generating simulated EFM device data
  • Schedule automatic polls for EFM data, and target specific poll times (like 15 minutes past the hour, every hour)
  • Trigger on-demand polls by writing to tags
  • Collect daily and hourly history data in addition to alarms and events
  • Control the name and location of exported files via network paths and wild cards for channel, device, meter, and Meter ID
  • Organize exported data by record times, including support for organizing files by contract hour
  • Map data from one meter to multiple supported export formats
  • Import/export the configuration to CSV and configure projects in Excel
  • Export EFM data to custom CSV files
  • Export EFM data to SQL Databases via ODBC
  • Offers third-party and remote configuration for all exporter types through the KEPServerEX Configuration API


  • Supports FLOWCAL CFX files (V5 format), with History Types 1 through 4
  • Supports FLOWCAL Transaction Queue, with History Types 1 through 4
  • Supports export to PGAS V8
  • Supports ABB Totalflow, Enron Modbus, Fisher ROC and ROC Plus, and OMNI Flow Computer drivers


    • Supports FLOWCAL CFX (V7 format), with History Types 11 through 13
    • Supports ABB Totalflow, Fisher ROC Plus, and OMNI Flow Computer drivers

Available Languages

  • English


Release Notes

  • 6.10.623.0


    • Added EFM wildcards for ContractYear, ContractMonth, ContractDay, ContractHour. These wildcards create values relative to the contract hour set in the device (i.e. if the contract hour is 6, the 6AM record will display as hour 0).



    • Fixed an issue in FlowCal CFX EFM Exporter where data could be logged to the wrong .CFX export file if wildcards were used as part of the path or file name.
    • Fixed an issue in the FlowCal CFX EFM Exporter and CSV EFM Exporter where data could be lost if the target file was not accessible.
    • Fixed an issue in the FlowCal Transaction Queue EFM Exporter and Database EFM Exporter where data could be lost if the target database was unavailable.



    • The _Polling internal tag now accurately reflects when polling is complete. This resolves an issue where the _Polling tag could return to 0 before the _LastPollEnd tag was updated. Now the _LastPollEnd tag is updated at the same time as the _Polling tag.
    • Resolved an issue where EFM polls could fail to complete.



    • Fixed an issue where enabling/disabling and copying/pasting poll groups in the EFM exporter would sometimes cause polls to fail to initiate.
    • Resolved a timing issue that could prevent completion of a Poll.
    • Resolved a threading issue that could prevent completion of a Poll.



    • Increased security when working with different DSNs.



    • Fixed an issue where hourly PGAS exports would show a time interval greater than one hour.
    • Fixed an issue where the Meter Type was always set to โ€œTurbineโ€ for AGA7 output.
    • Fixed an issue in PGAS export with incorrectly calculated leading times when the trailing time was on an even hour boundary (minute = 0).
    • Fixed an issue where daily records were not honoring the leading/trailing time flag for PGAS export.



    • Changed PGAS Exporter to export flowing_condition_factor into the c_prime column if there is no value for the c_prime attribute.



    • Added a Pressure Base column to PGAS export data.



    • Changed PGAS Exporter to export flowing_condition_factor for the c_prime column if there is no value for c_prime attribute.



    • Disallowed adding a meter if the associated device no longer exists in the project.
    • Modified the PGAS exporter to deliver live average specific gravity and average heating value data when available.



    • Modified the EFM output for PGAS and CSV to show six digits of precision where applicable.
    • Corrected an issue where the PGAS exporter ignored the hourly_record_span config attribute and treated all devices as providing leading time. The EFM Exporter now checks the attribute and calculates the start/end time appropriately.
    • Heating Value type now determines the column into which the BTU value is exported.


    • Modified PGAS Exporter so that the calculated start/end time (depending on if the device is set to provide leading or trailing times) for a record can never exceed one hour.
    • Modified the PGAS Exporter to supply live specific gravity and energy value history data when available.
    • Modified EFM output for PGAS and CSV to show 7 digits of precision where applicable.
    • Corrected an issue where the PGAS Exporter was ignoring the hourly_record_span config attribute and treating all devices as though they provided leading time.



    • Prefixed the default table names with the exporter type (gas / liquid) to prevent users from accidentally overwriting data when using both gas and liquid exporters of the same type without changing the default table names. Users can use the defaults or custom names.
    • Added support for exporting Liquid EFM data to CSV files.
    • Added support for exporting Liquid EFM data to ODBC-compliant databases



    • Added support for wildcards for channel, device, meter, and meter ID that can be used to define the file path and file name of EFM export data.
    • Created a new EFM Event attribute called “event_desc_with_values” to contain the string description as well as the โ€œold_valueโ€ and โ€œnew_valueโ€ information.
      Note:ย The previous “new_value” attribute is now mapped as “event_desc_with_values” attribute.



    • Corrected an issue where incorrect values were written to the FLOWCAL V5 and V7 file’s termination record when there were no events, alarms, or batch reports in the upload.
    • Added support for demand polling a single meter via the meter “_Poll” system tag and supporting diagnostic System tags. Added meter-level System tags for “_Polling” and “_ErrorOnLastPoll”.
    • Fixed issues when deleting an actively polling poll group.
    • Fixed an issue where the enable/disable meter options were not working properly after disabling a meter.
    • Enhanced the plug-in to gather historical data from gas chromatograph devices.



    • Added support for FLOWCAL Transaction Queue. The EFM Exporter can now push gas data directly to FLOWCAL’s Oracle database.
    • Removed the password field from CSV import/export for the Database Exporter. CSV files exported from previous versions still import correctly, but the password is ignored. Existing exporters that are updated by CSV import retain the original password and new exporters created by the import have a blank password.
    • Replaced the “Toggle On/Off” traffic light button with “Enable” and “Disable” buttons.
    • Fixed an issue where the context menu could appear in the wrong location if the configuration window was condensed.
    • Fixed an issue where modifying the CSV Exporter mappings and deleting the CSV file could result in improper output.



    • Fixed an issue in the “File Path” buttons that prevented the root path from being opened when |SystemX| wildcards were used in the path.
    • Fixed an issue where edits applied to a Poll Group that was in the process of polling were discarded.
    • Fixed an issue in V7 CFX files where the start/end times defined in the file were incorrect if the file didn’t contain hourly or daily data. The times now represent the span of time between all poll results, including alarms, events, history, and batch.
    • Removed a false error message that could occur when device communications were lost or the EFM meter had no new data. The error message was “Warning EFM Exporter Unable to read EFM data from temporary file.”



    • Added support for exporting Liquid EFM Data to Flow-Cal V7 CFX files. Liquid support works with the OMNI, ROC+, and EFM Simulator drivers only.
    • Fixed an issue where EFM data could be lost if the configuration upload failed.
    • Fixed a bug in the CFX V5 configuration serialization. The previous implementation picked the wrong K factor unit depending on whether the unit attribute was set to metric or English.
    • The EFM Exporter now posts warnings when changing the CFX V7 or V5 history interval if there is un-exported data on disk. This data will not be exported unless the change is reverted.
    • Added anย Open Export Pathย button to the Flow-Cal, CSV, and PGAS exporters. This button will open the export directory path in a file explorer window.
    • Corrected the tab order in the following EFM Exporter dialogs: CSV Config, Event, Alarm, and History; EFM Meters; and Flow-Cal Exporter.
    • Fixed an issue where EFM uploads would fail to complete if the block size of a device being polled was changed during the upload.
    • Added support for a Liquid EFM model to simulate liquid data. The driver now supports Gas EFM and Liquid EFM models.
    • The EFM Simulator now specifies a contract hour and contract day of 0 instead of random values.


    • Enhanced the EFM Exporter to support exporting to ODBC data sources. Users can now choose the Data Source Name as well as the destination tables for Configuration, Alarms, Events, Daily, and Hourly History data. The UI also allows users to easily define mappings between EFM attributes and table fields.
    • Fixed an issue where CSV import incorrectly allowed invalid characters (such as a leading underscore) in the exporter’s Name field.
    • Fixed an issue where changes to the exporter’s Name field did not take effect until the Runtime was reinitialized.
    • Added name validation to the XML schema for all exporters and the Poll Group.
    • Fixed the failure to import the Poll Group’s CSV file.
    • Fixed the N-C4 and ISO-C4 name strings.
    • Fixed the Alarm State’s description string.
    • Fixed the Daily History property page’s help link.
    • Resolved an issue where changing the polling from OnDemand to Scheduled (or vice versa) would not take effect until the Runtime was reinitialized.
    • Resolved an issue where changing the polling from OnDemand to Scheduled on-the-fly after the first scheduled poll had already completed would result in an immediate poll. The Event Log message from the immediate poll would show a next poll start time that was earlier than the time that the immediate poll was started.
    • Resolved an issue where disabled exporters would be re-enabled after the poll method was changed and the Server Configuration was closed and reopened.


    • Fixed a defect that would have prevented users from changing the name of a new CSV Exporter.


    Initial release of new simulation driver included with the EFM Exporter plug-in. This driver gives users an easy way to evaluate or demonstrate the EFM Exporter when they do not have connection access to a physical EFM device. The driver exists as a sub-feature of the EFM Exporter and must be selected for installation.



    • This new server plug-in allows the export of Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) data from EFM-enabled drivers. At this time, support is for EFM export to Flow-Cal format (CFX) Versions 5, Report Types 1 through 4.

Additional Tech Info


    • FLOWCAL (CFX V5 format for gas; CFX V7 format for liquid)
    • Quorum PGAS v8
    • .CSV
    • SQL Database (ODBC)
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